Saturday, December 27, 2008

Boston Market Update

Long time no post!  I was out of town for most of the month of November, and have gotten really behind on my blog posts and directory updates.  In the coming weeks look for writeups of my Cupcake Crawls around San Francisco, Chicago, Orlando, and Washington DC.  I'll also be posting about some recent baking adventures including a scary Halloween cake and my first for-money cupcake commission!

In the meantime here's an update of the Boston Market Cupcake Experiment.  Everyone in my office agrees that there's been no visible change to the cupcake since we bought it almost eighteen weeks ago.  Looks like I'm going to be eating this thing in a couple of weeks.  My coworkers have offered to drive me to the ER so I can eat it out in the parking lot, just in case...
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 15
Week 16

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